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Hey!! It’s me, Dirk Zee.

ChatGPT can help you starting your own business, making games, start a side hustle and making money today.

I’ve made Cheat Sheets to make it easier for you.

Get these TOP35 ChatGPT Cheat Sheets:

News of the day:

Microsoft's new AI assistant can go to meetings for you

Scientists have developed a new type of AI that can learn to perform tasks without any human input. The AI, trained on a massive dataset of text and code, can translate languages, write creative content, and answer questions in an informative way.

This new AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we use AI. It could be used to create new types of educational tools, develop new ways to interact with computers, and even generate new forms of creative expression.

Imagine a world where you can ask your AI assistant to help you with your creative projects, translate documents, or even design new products. With this new AI, this could soon be a reality.

The AI is still under development, but it is a powerful tool that could help us to solve some of the world's most challenging problems. It is also a reminder of the potential of AI to make our lives better. It’s called Pathways.

Start making money with AI: ChatGPT Money Making Cheat Sheet

Have a great day!!

P.S.: And don’t forget to check out my brand new LinkedIn post.