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Hey!! It’s me, Dirk Zee.

ChatGPT & AI can help you making more money and become better in anything.

So I just started a Patreon page with daily exclusive content. Get access now:

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News of the day:

Two friends used AI and $185 to start a side hustle - they just sold it for $150,000: ‘It really does print money’

Two friends, Alex and Ben, created a new AI side hustle tool called DimeADozen. It helps users research their business ideas by providing them with information on potential customers, competitors, and investors. The tool can generate a 50-page report in a fraction of the time it would take to do the research manually.

Alex and Ben recently sold DimeADozen for $150,000. They say that they were surprised by the high price, but they are happy to have found a buyer who believes in the product.

The friends say that they plan to use the money from the sale to invest in new AI projects. They are also considering starting a new company that would focus on developing AI tools for small businesses.

The sale of DimeADozen is a testament to the growing popularity of AI side hustles. As AI becomes more accessible and affordable, more and more people are using it to start their own businesses. Source: CNBC

See how it’s done: ChatGPT Money Making Cheat Sheet

Have a great day!!

P.S.: And don’t forget to check out my brand new LinkedIn post.