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  • Breaking: OpenAI’s GPT store delayed to next year

Breaking: OpenAI’s GPT store delayed to next year

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Hey!! It’s me, Dirk Zee.

News of the day:

OpenAI has announced a delay in the launch of its GPT store, initially planned for December, until next year. This delay, communicated in an email to GPT Builder subscribers, is attributed to unforeseen circumstances that have occupied the company.

The delay follows a tumultuous week for OpenAI, involving the temporary removal and subsequent reinstatement of CEO Sam Altman, employee unrest, executive departures, and social media campaigns. Despite these challenges, OpenAI mentioned ongoing work on the store and updates to ChatGPT, including improvements to the custom GPT platform.

The GPT store is envisioned as a marketplace for users to sell and share GPTs they've built, with creators receiving compensation based on usage.

See how to build your own GPT and earn money when the store launches:

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Have a great day!!